Be in it not of it. Fly above it.

Be in it not of it. Fly above it. 

This beautiful piece of wisdom was shared with me years ago from one of my mentors. It took many experiences for me to fully grasp it’s meaning. I’ve learned to do my best to live by these words one day at a time. 

Be in it, refers to walking as a human in this world. Fly above it, means to mentally, emotionally and spiritually detach from the chaos and destruction that occurs on the physical plane. I kicked and screamed and wallowed in my feelings and spued intense emotions out into the world for years. Then, I learned how to truly be with my myself and allow my feelings to flow. That’s when I started living instead of surviving. 

Feelings are normal. They aren’t good, bad, negative or positive. We’ve been taught to judge our feelings which has caused us to stuff them way deep within our minds and bodies. This causes all types of unsupportive beliefs to arise that fuel destructive behavior patterns. We can see this in our world today. That’s why it’s important to learn to honor your feelings when they surface. Then embrace them with compassion in order to release them by allowing them to flow through you. When you learn to feel them and notice what they’re attempting to communicate to you, they’re vital for your expansion and growth.  

If you remain attached to your memories and emote out hatred into the world, then that’s what will come back to you. That’s why forgiveness is imperative to live your life to fullest. If you repress your pain, anger and resentments, then there’s an internal war occurring within you. It will drive your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. Again, it’s not to judge your feelings. It’s about learning to be with them and allow them to provide you with information. They’ll let you know what needs your attention which is usually YOU. 

As I’ve embodied this within my life and myself, my life has become richer and full of hope in spite of the chaos that is occurring in the world. It allows me to stay grounded and to see the beauty amongst the destruction. I believe we’re all a part of the same thing, the same consciousness. We’re here to help each other expand and grow. As I continue to practice these principles, I embrace the love within me which allows me to share it with my family, friends and with humanity. This is what I believe is to serve, sharing our love. 

Wherever you are on your journey, remember you too are capable of anything you desire. If you are suffering, you’re capable of experiencing joy. If you are poor, you’re capable of being rich because you are a magnificent creator. Believe in yourself and it will become a part of your life to “Live in it and not be of it. And fly above it.” 

Much love, light and laughter to you!