Honor Your Path

                                                Honor You Path

We’re all in different stages of growth and expansion. So, honor yourself and others exactly where you and they are in the journey of life.

We’re all at different stages of the game, learning, growing and expanding. And when we don’t honor ourselves where we are then, it makes it difficult to honor others. We want them to be where we are because as humans, we desire closeness and love. We tend to perceive being on the same path as way to ensure connections to our loved ones and peers.

The problem that surfaces when we attempt to get them to cross the bridge we’ve already crossed is resistance. If we don’t allow them to make their way on their own timetable, we are attempting to control in order to sooth or repress fear or resistance within ourselves. We aren’t honoring where we are in the game of life. We are the ones resisting and it’s reflecting back to us from our loved ones. When we honor ourselves where we are and allow our hearts to guide us, things flow in a magical way. In a divine way.

It’s about trusting the light within each and every one of us. Trust the God within you to guide you where you need to go. Honor, embrace and release any resistance or fear that surfaces along the way. It’s part of the process. Love is hate, hate is love. They’re all aspects of the same thing. They help us see the bigger picture which is that they’re contrasts of each other, giving us opportunity to know that We Are ALL Divine.  

Peace, Love and Laughter to You!